Nuclear achieves all 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

So, polar bears, humans, and fish in the East River all benefit from abundant, affordable, carbon-free nuclear energy.

United Nations COP28 statement on tripling nuclear energy by 2050

  • No Poverty

    Nuclear power provides affordable and reliable electricity supplies without greenhouse gas emissions or air pollution. Investment in nuclear energy boosts economies and provides employment.

  • Zero Hunger

    Nuclear technologies help fight against pests, avoiding the need to resort to harmful pesticides. Fresh food can last longer if irradiated and this process also kills E. coli, listeria, and salmonella.

  • Good Health & Well-Being

    Nuclear medicine helps doctors diagnose and treat tens of millions of people every year. Radiotherapy helps treat and cure many kinds of cancer. Nuclear materials are essential for medical research.

  • Quality Education

    The nuclear industry offers long-term, high-skill jobs. Nuclear plants generate 1,000 apprenticeships during their construction. The nuclear industry invests in training to develop a skilled workforce.

  • Gender Equality

    The nuclear industry is committed to improving the representation of women in the workforce. Nuclear companies have initiatives encouraging young women to move into STEM careers.

  • Clean Water & Sanitation

    Desalination of seawater using heat generated by nuclear reactors produces pure, clean water, without the greenhouse gases emitted by the fossil fuel plants that power desalination units.

  • Affordable & Clean Energy

    Electricity demand is increasing driven by a growing global population. To lift people out of poverty and meet energy demand, significant investment in low-cost, low-carbon nuclear energy is needed.

  • Work & Economic Growth

    Nuclear power plants create thousands of jobs onsite and thousands more in the supply chain. A nuclear power plant brings broader investment that benefits local economies.

  • Innovation & Infrastructure

    High-temperature reactors offer an alternative to fossil fuels for process heat and hydrogen production. Innovations in nuclear fuel can enhance the performance of reactors in operation today.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    Nuclear plants experience less price volatility than fossil plants. Using nuclear power enables those countries with limited domestic fossil fuel reserves to have greater control over their energy systems.

  • Sustainable Cities

    Nuclear generation reduces transport greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution in cities. Nuclear power plants can also be used for district heating, avoiding pollution from fossil fuels.

  • Responsible Consumption

    Nuclear reactors produce the electricity needed to meet global energy demand responsibly. Nuclear power plants require a small footprint and the fuel can be recycled and reprocessed.

  • Climate Action

    Nuclear plants avoid the emission of over 2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide each year. New nuclear power plants can be deployed at scale, enabling rapid decarbonization of a country’s electricity generation mix.

  • Life Below Water

    Nuclear energy avoids the emissions that cause ocean acidification. Nuclear technology monitors aquatic ecosystems. Nuclear power in the maritime industry helps to keep our oceans clean.

  • Life On Land

    Nuclear plants produce large amounts of electricity from small land areas. Mining for coal and oil & gas extraction to power fossil fuel generation plants can destroy fragile ecosystems.

  • Peace & Strong Institutions

    The Non-Proliferation Treaty promotes the peaceful use of nuclear technology. Signatories agree not to pursue nuclear weapons programs and cooperate on peaceful uses of nuclear technology.

  • Partnerships for Goals

    Organizations such as CNA, FORATOM, JAIF, KAIF, NEI, NIA, and World Nuclear Association bring representatives of different nuclear companies together to work on areas of common interest.